The Water Filter Project
In January 2018, Sister Antoinette introduced the Sawyer Water Filter to BUWEA, an African Partner in Bukoba, Tanzania. The excitement of the women who received the water filters was a sure sign for Microfinancing Partners in Africa to launch the Clean Water Project. Sawyer water filters turns contaminated water into clean water. The filter is designed to remove 99.9999% of pathogens and harmful bacteria from water, significantly preventing the spread of water-borne diseases. Through small loans to partner groups, the Clean Water Project makes high-efficiency water filters available to partners in both urban and rural settings.

Microfinancing Partners in Africa’s Women for Women has earmarked in February $620.36for the water filter project as our second month’s allocation. This amount will purchase about 10 water filters at $60 a piece. THANK YOU!
is set for Thursday, March 14th at the BHIVE in the Central West End, 8:30-10:00. We’ll fill you in on our January trip to Africa.

Remember when you thought, “I know someone that would be interested in this”? Now is the chance! We would love to meet them– the more, the merrier.
What is Women for Women?
Microfinancing Partners in Africa’s Women for Women is a group of women joining together to make the change in the world that we want to see happen. We come together twice a year to choose which projects to support, and our donations are distributed monthly to support microfinancing projects in Africa.
The combined donations allow us to make a greater impact without time-consuming fundraising events. Members will be updated monthly on the impact of their donations.
Learn more about Microfinancing Partners in Africa’s Women for Women