We have 34,934 reasons to be grateful for YOU. This number represents 951 children and orphans, 201 pregnant women, 20 adults with leprosy, 18 religious sisters in crisis, and 5,624 women and men and their families who received emergency relief funding from you via Microfinancing Partners in Africa. Your generosity funded transportation for pregnant women who desperately needed it, food supplies for those at risk of starving in the slums, and so much more! Thanks to you, Microfinancing Partners in Africa has been able to help our partner organizations help their people with $100,000 in emergency funding on top of the regular program support. Every single partner has accounted for their emergency funding and asked us to share their thanks with you.
At this harvest time, we offer you a bounty of thanks, hope, and determination. Thank you!
The pandemic stretches from a sprint to a marathon, and what we thought was a temporary crisis has become status quo.
Our partners report that they are adapting by challenging their members to strive for opportunities to generate income. By pivoting to income generation, our partners are doing exactly what we had hoped the emergency funding would help them do—give their people a hand up.
Our work continues. A hand up via microfinancing is needed more than ever. Would you help us continue microfinancing as a way out of poverty by increasing your gift this Thanksgiving? We could not envision such a generous bounty without you.
THANK YOU for joining us in partnership to eradicate extreme poverty.
We are so grateful for your generosity!
With gratitude,
Heather Cammarata
Executive Director