Annah Wanyaga is 54 years old and has been through challenging times, but she is strong and has refused to never give up! Her husband died a long time ago leaving her to raise her two children alone. One of her daughters also died as an adult leaving Annah to care for her two grandchildren. They live in Kangemi, a neighborhood in Nairobi.
Annah is very hardworking and has a small shop on the roadside selling vegetables. She received a disaster loan of 1,000 Shillings (US$ 9.25) from Jamii Bora Trust on in August 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The loan is interest-free and has no fixed repayment time. But Annah is determined to pay back her disaster loan faster than ever expected. She is also planning to add savings to her bank account to better prepare her for the future of any other emergencies she may face again. She hopes in the future to be able to borrow 10,000 Shillings ($81.61).
At this time as Kenya continues to face the challenges of COVID-19, food is the only thing those living in poverty can often afford to buy so for Annah having a vegetable stand has proved to be a sustainable business even in the most difficult of times.
“I am determined to keep growing my business and stay alive so that my grandchildren can grow up safely.” – Annah