Teddy Icorit, age 40, and his wife and six children have been involved in the Cow Project since 2013. Prior to preparing and receiving a cow, Teddy and his family did not have a source of daily income and struggled to even survive. His children never attended school. Often all six children would be sent to live with relatives who could better support them.
Since receiving their first in-calf heifer, Teddy’s cow has delivered 2 male calves. Additionally, the cow provides about 18 liters of milk each day that is used first for their family’s needs and second, sold in the local dairy bringing in over $120 USD each month of income.
Along with the care of the cow, Teddy and his wife have been trained for how to better farm and improve their three acres of soil from the Cow Project trainers. Using the manure from the cow as fertilizer, Teddy has planted coffee and bananas which are sold in their community, creating an even greater income for their family.
In the future, Teddy hopes to construct a biogas pit and buy a water tank and solar kit for their home.